Following instructions

Descubra por qué los niños tienen dificultad para seguir indicaciones e instrucciones. Conozca cómo el TDAH y la función ejecutiva pueden jugar un papel, y aprenda estrategias para crear rutinas y horarios.

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Tips and strategies

  • Consejo práctico
    Break it into steps.

    Each step should be clear, simple, and specific. “Put the frozen food in the freezer first” is more helpful than “Put away the groceries.”

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  • Consejo práctico
    Repeat directions.

    If you’re giving cleanup directions, expect to say them more than once. People with ADHD often need reminders to stay on track. Phones are a great tool: Jot down steps in a note, use alarms to get started, or try an organization app.

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  • Consejo práctico
    Make it visual.

    Help kids follow steps by using a visual planner or picture schedule. Place it where kids can easily see it, and have them mark off what’s been done.

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Executive function skills: What are they and how can we help kids build them?

Messy backpacks. Forgotten lunches. Missing assignments. How can we help our kids get organized this school year?


  • Getting ready for schoolPDF

  • Getting ready for bedPDF

  • Afterschool routinePDF

  • Cleaning up roomPDF

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